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7 Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Cinnamon blog imageWhile you might already like the taste of cinnamon, that like is sure to turn to love when you discover just how good cinnamon really is for you. Rather than head for the supplement aisle to boost your health, here at PurMEDICA we recommend you head to the seasonings and spices aisle. While there are several other seasonings that come with special health benefits of their own, seven health benefits of cinnamon will take center stage for this post.

1. It’s Good for Your Heart

If you often consume meals high in fat, make sure you pair those meals with cinnamon to keep all of those fats from increasing your risk of heart disease. One study showed that overweight individuals who added two tablespoons of cinnamon to a fatty meal were able to reduce the triglycerides (levels of fat) in their blood by roughly 30 percent and had a 13 percent higher level of antioxidants in their blood.

2. You Can Better Control Your Blood Sugar

Individuals who have Type 2 diabetes will want to start consuming more cinnamon since it has been shown to help with insulin resistance. Specifically, Ceylon cinnamon is better for you since it doesn’t have as much coumarin as other types of cinnamon. Coumarin has been known to cause liver damage, which is why you should be careful of how much of it you consume. Besides consuming cinnamon in moderation, those with Type 2 diabetes should also make sure they get plenty of exercise and eat healthy foods along with their cinnamon.

3. Cure Your Stomach Bug

If you’re ever stricken with a stomach bug or the flu, reach for the cinnamon. The reason that the spice is effective against stomach bugs is that it’s a strong anti-bacterial. Cinnamon has been shown to be especially effective against salmonella, E. coli, and campylobacter. If you’re ever diagnosed with adenovirus, the cinnamaldehyde from cinnamon bark oil has been shown to be quite effective. It’s best to consume cinnamon bark oil in a tea in order for it to be the most effective against a stomach bug.

4. Improve Your Brain Function

The next time you’re in need of a brain boost, get a good whiff of cinnamon while you’re brewing up a fresh pot of coffee. Studies have shown that just smelling cinnamon boosts your cognitive process. If you want to get the full effect, make sure that you consume some cinnamon as well. Simply chewing on cinnamon-flavored gum has been proven to help with cognitive processing, such as visual-motor responses and attention. There’s even evidence that cinnamon has the ability to help heal the brain by keeping the cells of the brain from swelling like they usually do after a stroke or major brain injury.

5. Treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Anyone who suffers from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) should consider having a bit of cinnamon with their meal. The seasoning is great for treating bloating and other uncomfortable symptoms of IBS. The reason cinnamon is effective against the syndrome is that is kills off bacteria and heals gastrointestinal tract infections, which allows the gastric juices to perform as they normally would. Besides IBS, other stomach conditions cinnamon has been used to treat include stomach cramps and upset stomach.

6. Arthritis Treatment

Cinnamon is high in manganese, which is excellent for strengthening bones, the blood and connective tissues. A person is more likely to develop osteoporosis if they don’t consume enough manganese. If you do decide to try cinnamon to treat your osteoporosis or arthritis, it’s best that you take Ceylon cinnamon bark extract.

7. Weight Control

Besides helping to keep fat from building around your heart, cinnamon can also help prevent fat from building up on other areas of your body. The reason cinnamon is an effective method of weight control is that it thins out your blood, which increases your overall blood circulation and metabolism. If you already have heart disease, consuming cinnamon can help keep your blood from clotting.

If you’re currently taking blood-thinning medication, it’s best that you talk with your doctor about using cinnamon to treat your heart disease or control your weight. The spice could cause your blood to become too thin.

Even if you aren’t currently on blood-thinning medication, it’s a good idea to talk to with an experienced doctor before you start taking cinnamon for its health benefits since there’s a risk of negative interactions with antibiotics, heart medicines and diabetes drugs. For additional health tips, contact PurMEDICA Nutritional Science.