The Heart-friendly Antioxidant in Red Wine You Should Know About
We’ve all heard of the common health advice “Everything in moderation healthy or at least, health-conscious individuals maintain a balanced diet filled with fish, fruits

Debunking Kidney Stones: What You Need to Know and How to Treat It
Your thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate multiple bodily functions including your metabolism and menstruation. Problems in your thyroid gland can range from minor inconveniences

Lifestyle Habits that are Putting Millennials at Risk of Gout
Gout, known as the “old man’s disease,” has steadily become more common among people in their 20s and 30s. Even though this generation is the

Kidney Stones: Should you be worried or not?
Kidney stones can either be a serious medical problem or a slight inconvenience. Depending on the gravity of the case and how much pain it

Managing Stress-induced Hypertension
Stress is an underestimated risk factor for hypertension or high blood pressure. We have grown so accustomed to leading stressful lives that we often do
Simple Gout Remedies You Can Try Right Now
If you have ever gout, then you know how painful it is to deal with and the restrictions that it causes on your life. Gout
Foods to avoid if you suffer from gout
Chances are if you suffer from gout you are not a teetotalling vegetarian. The list of foods to avoid if you have gout is extensive and
Vitamin C and Gout
Gout Prevention with Vitamin C Vitamin C, mostly known for fighting colds and enhancing the immune system, may also be effective in preventing gout. Researchers recently
Cherry Berry Smoothie
Description This delicious smoothie option is filled to the brim with fresh fruit. The cherries in this smoothie can offer benefits to gout sufferers. This
Common Myths about Gout
Misrepresentation in Newspapers Recent Research has shown that Gout is often misrepresented in newspapers and can lead to people not getting the treatment they need.
Causes of Gout
What causes Gout? The true cause of gout is high uric acid levels in the blood. High uric acid levels trigger gout because of the body’s
Gout Friendly Banana Bread
Easy and Healthy Paleo Banana Bread Recipe Description A delicious banana bread recipe for anyone looking for a healthy option. Anyone who suffers from gout