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Blood Pressure

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A Common Question From Many… What About Alcohol?

The relationship between long-term use of alcohol and blood pressure levels is a major medical concern as alcoholism rates increase worldwide.

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Everyone wants to know how alcohol will affect them. This is no different for people who have high blood pressure. Check out this article to find out how alcohol will affect your blood pressure. 

A Common Question From Many… What About Alcohol? Read More »

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Can It Be As Simple As Listening to Music to Lower BP for Some? 

HIGH blood pressure can increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes, but relaxing with music could be a natural remedy to lower hypertension.

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Studies are showing positive results for methods that can relax you. It’s no surprise then that music can have an effect. 

Can It Be As Simple As Listening to Music to Lower BP for Some?  Read More »

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2 Ingredient Tea For High Blood Pressure

– Blood pressure is the amount of force that pushes against artery walls to get blood through the body. If the force is too strong for too long, arteries wea

Sourced through Scoop.it from: dailyhealthpost.com

PurMEDICA’s BP supplement Systolex uses Celery Seed extract for a more potent effect. But for mild cases of high blood pressure using celery in tea can be beneficial. Give it a try! Let us know what you think! 

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AMA Statement on New Guidelines for Measuring Blood Pressure

In light of the new guideline for the Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults, the American Medical Association (AMA) is renewing its call to all American adults to monitor their blood pressure levels and take the necessary steps to get their high blood pressure—or hypertension—under control. Based on the lates

Sourced through Scoop.it from: physiciansnews.com

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The Negative Impacts of Long-Term High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, also referred to as the silent killer because of its invisible symptoms, can quietly cause severe damage to your body for years before irreversible consequences are noticed. If left uncontrolled, long-term high blood pressure can result in a poor quality of life, disability, or even a fatal heart attack. Fortunately, with lifestyle

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The Benefits of Taurine for Managing High Blood Pressure

Maintaining normal blood pressure is vital to living a healthy and long life. High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a medical condition that increases the risk for stroke, angina, and heart attacks. Over 65 million Americans are diagnosed with high blood pressure and an even higher percentage of the population may have high

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Everything You Wanted to Know About Blood Pressure Medications  

It was not until the late 1800’s and early 1900s that elevated blood pressure was recognized as a contributing factor in cardiovascular disease.  Prior to this it was Hippocrates and the Greeks and Romans and others who were honed in on the pulse and its strength and weakness.  Leeches were often used to reduce the

Everything You Wanted to Know About Blood Pressure Medications   Read More »

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Top 8 Things You Need to Know About Vitamin D3 and Heart Health

Stressful schedules, sedentary lifestyles, and poor diet have all contributed to the current epidemic of heart disease. Interestingly, lifestyle and dietary factors are also associated with another possibly related and potentially dangerous epidemic: vitamin D3 deficiency. Scientists have known for over a century that vitamin D3 is associated with bone health, but research now shows

Top 8 Things You Need to Know About Vitamin D3 and Heart Health Read More »

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Olive Leaf and its Ability to Manage High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure (hypertension) is a common and potentially dangerous health condition affecting millions of Americans today. There are many factors that contribute to high blood pressure, including genetics and even prescription medications. Because so many factors contribute to hypertension, this condition can be frustrating to manage. Olive leaves have been clinically shown to have

Olive Leaf and its Ability to Manage High Blood Pressure Read More »